Our Curriculum
Friends on a learning journey, achieving success together, guided by God.
At Warfield C. of E. Primary School, we are passionate about providing an education which grows the whole child, encompassing balance and breadth across all areas of learning and life.
Our whole school curriculum is bound together by the school values, British values and learning habits on which we place so much emphasis and which make us a positive, successful community of learners.
We ensure our curriculum is purposeful and relevant for our children by building on their experiences and interests and embedding learning in real life contexts. As our children move up through the school they experience progression in both skills and knowledge across all curriculum areas. Our curriculum is designed specifically for the needs of our children and teachers have freedom and flexibility in planning in order to be able to personalise the learning for the children within their classes. Learning hooks and experiences are used to engage and inspire learners exploring aspects of the curriculum in greater depth. We provide many varied opportunities for all children, irrespective of their need or interest, and celebrate excellence in all subject areas.
Our Christian ethos defines our culture and our 7 values: Kindness, Faith, Curiosity, Teamwork, Achievement, Determination and Respect. These were decided upon by the school community and are at the heart of our curriculum. Our learning habits and values together underpin all learning in school as they form our attitudes towards learning and each other.
For detailed information about learning in specific year groups or specific subjects please use the links below.