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Warfield CE Primary School

    • Code of Conduct

      Home School Agreement

      At Warfield we have a home school agreement that we ask all parents, children and staff to sign up to. This outlines everyone's responsibilities at Warfield. Take a look at everyone's responsibilities below.

      Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers, & Visitors

      This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the Parents, Carers, Visitors and Warfield C.E. Primary School and Nursery. 

       At Warfield we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community.  At our school the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us. 

      As a partnership we are all aware of the importance of good working relationships and all recognise the importance of these relationships to equip our children with the necessary skills for their education. For these reasons we  welcome and encourage parents and carers to participate in the life of our school.

      We are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner, through an open and positive dialogue. However, we understand that everyday misunderstandings can cause frustrations and have a negative impact on our relationships.

      The purpose of this code of conduct is to provide the expectations around the conduct of all parents, carers and visitors connected to our school and to clarify the types of behaviour that will not be tolerated. It is important for parents and carers to make sure any persons collecting their children are also aware of this policy.

      This code of conduct also sets out the actions the school can take should this code be ignored or where breaches occur.

      WE EXPECT our school community to respect our school ethos, keep our school tidy and set a good example of their own behaviour both on school premises and when accompanying classes on school visits.

      WE EXPECT our parents, carers and visitors to keep our children safe by adhering to the school’s request to use the school car parks safely during morning and afternoon collections.

      WE EXPECT our parents and carers to work in partnership with the school by reading emails, keeping contact and medical information up to date and following school policies.

      WE EXPECT our school community to put their mobile phones away when they enter the school site, when photos are permitted phones may be used for this purpose only. Any urgent calls should be taken outside the school site.

    • Behaviour that will not be tolerated:


      • Inappropriate or disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the school’s normal operation or activities anywhere on the school premises. 
      • Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper, should this behaviour occur in a meeting with a member of staff the meeting will be ended and you will be asked to leave.  
      • Threatening in any way, a member of staff, visitor, fellow parent/carer or child. 
      • Damaging or destroying school property. 
      • Sending abusive or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communications (including social media) to anyone within the school community. 
      • Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parents/staff/ governors at the school on social media sites. 
      • The use of physical, verbal or written aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment of your own child on school premises. 
      • Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences) 
      • Smoking, vaping, taking illegal drugs or the consumption of alcohol on school premises. (Alcohol may only be consumed during authorised events) 


      What happens if someone ignores or breaks the code? 

      If the school becomes aware, that a parent has breached the code of conduct, the school will gather information from those involved and contact the parent about the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, the school may then: 


      • Send a warning letter to the parent  
      • Invite the parent into school to meet with a senior member of staff or the headteacher 
      • Seek advice from Bracknell-Forest legal team regarding further action (in cases of conduct that may be libellous or slanderous) 
      • Set boundaries and limitations for future communications  
      • Ban the parent from the school site 
      • Contact the police or appropriate authorities if appropriate. 


      The school will always respond to an incident in a proportional way. The headteacher will consult the chair of governors before banning a parent from the school site. 

      Issues of conduct with the use of Social Media 

      Most people take part in online activities and social media. It’s fun, interesting and keeps us connected when used safely. 

       Online activity which we consider inappropriate: 


      • Making comments that identify a child or posting images/videos of children. 
      • Abusive or personal comments about staff, governors, children or other parents 
      • Bringing the school into disrepute 
      • Posting defamatory or libellous comments 
      • Emails circulated or sent directly with abusive or personal comments about staff or children 
      • Using social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual children or members of staff 
      • Threatening behaviour, such as verbally intimidating staff, or using bad language 
      • Breaching school security procedures 


      At our school we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will deal with any reported incidents appropriately in line with the actions outlined above. 

      WhatsApp groups 

      Many parents set up class WhatsApp groups in order to share information. These groups are not affiliated with the school.  We strongly request group admins to share and agree the following rules amongst their members. 


      • Within these spaces we ask that you use common sense when discussing school life online.  
      • ‘Think before you post’ Social media, whether public or private, should not be used to fuel campaigns and voice complaints against the school, school staff, parents or children.   
      • Parents should not use social media as a medium to air any concerns or grievances.  


      We take very seriously inappropriate use of social media by a parent to publicly humiliate or criticise another parent, member of staff or child. We urge anyone with questions or concerns to address them to the school directly as we are best fitted to address them accurately. 

      Thank you for abiding by this code in our school. Together we create a positive and uplifting environment not only for the children but also all who work and visit our school.

