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Warfield CE Primary School

School Uniform Policy

School uniform is practical and appropriate for activities undertaken in school, it also brings a sense of community and togetherness.

 School Uniform

Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or tailored knee length shorts.


Polo shirt—light blue with or without school logo


Sweatshirt or cardigan - royal blue with or without school logo


Shoes—sensible black, no boots or open toed sandals


Socks or tights, white, black or grey


Summer dresses—pale blue and white checked dresses may be worn in the Summer term    

 Nursery children are welcome to wear their own clothes. There is however a polo shirt and navy jumper with the nursery logo available from School Trends should parents wish to purchase these items.   

Please note:

  • Nail varnish, false nails and temporary tattoos are not permitted.
  • School shoes are expected for daily wear except on P.E. days.
  • Jewellery should not be worn to school. Metal stud earrings are permitted but need to be removed by the child for P.E. lessons. Discreet jewellery worn for religious observance is permitted.
  • Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, e.g. lines or patterns shaved in or unnatural colours,
  • All long hair must be tied up for P.E. lessons regardless of gender.
  • Hairbands and accessories should be discreet and in-line with school colours.

P.E. Uniform

Children will wear their P.E. uniform to school on P.E. Days. This will be two days a week, days will be confirmed with parents at the start of the academic year.

  • Navy shorts
  • PE t-shirt - royal blue with or without school logo
  • Plimsolls / trainers - plain & dark coloured for outdoor use, preferably black but navy and grey are acceptable
  • Socks - black, grey or white


In cold weather we suggest children wear:

  • Jogging pants / leggings — plain in black or navy blue 
  • Hooded Sweatshirt / fleece –royal blue with or without school logo


Please note

  • Branded items of sports wear should not be worn
  • .A plain t-shirt in the house colour may be worn for sports day. Normal P.E. t-shirts are also welcome to be worn

    Houses and colours      

    Windsor - Red  Plantagenet - Yellow   Tudor - Green    Stuart - Blue 


Children are welcome to attend school wearing clothing with or without the school logo.

School uniform with the school logo can be ordered in two ways, please see the information below. 

 School uniform without the logo can be purchased from a number of retail outlets. 


School Trends

My Clothing

For School and Nursery Uniform

For School Uniform only

W: School Trends 

W: Myclothing

E: parentinfo@schooltrends.co.uk

E: support@myclothing.com 

T: 0114 251 2501

T: 0800 069 9949


Home or school delivery within 21 days*

Delivery cost of £2.99 per order, free delivery on orders over £75.00


Home delivery within 14 days*

Delivery cost of £3.00 per order


* In our experience in busy periods delivery times can be longer than this.

The PTA look after and sell second hand uniform. Details of upcoming sales will be available soon.